Sally Madge: Acts of Reclamation
11th – 18th November 2021
(times vary, please check Visit Us for more information)
Sally Madge frequently worked at ‘at edge’ sites; on coastlines, where sea meets land, bringing with it an endless tide of objects, litter, the residue of plants, rocks, shells, animal and human activities. Acts of Reclamation focuses on two such examples: Shelter (2001-14) a dry-stone hut constructed in two iterations on Lindisfarne that attracted sustained interactions from visitors and passers-by, and Scatter (from 2019), a collection of amorphous assemblages, or cushions, covered with fragments of fabric found washed up in sand and rotting seaweed, meticulously cleaned and carefully stitched together.
Exhibition curated by Matthew Hearn with Ysanne Holt.